Clinton, on who missed the caucus

Fri, Jan 4, 2008 (11:27 a.m.)

Sen. Hillary Clinton apparently doesn't like the caucus process. In her speech last night, she left with a little kick in the shins of the Byzantine process.

From CNN's transcript:

"You know, there were a lot of people that couldn't caucus tonight despite the very large turnout. There are a lot of Iowans who are in the military. They were in Iraq or Afghanistan or somewhere else serving our country... And there are a lot of people who work at night, people who are on their feet, people who are taking care of patients in a hospital or waiting on a table in a restaurant or maybe in patrol car, keeping our streets safe."

It's true that not everyone can participate in a caucus. But note that Clinton made the jabs on the way out the door of Iowa, so any offense there won't be reflected in the caucus halls. Nevada's Jan. 19 caucus, though, is the same process, and would be subject to the same criticism.

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