A new puppet for Terry Fator, and gosh if it ain’t fabulous


Lopez Tonight

George Lopez, Berry Fabulous (middle) and Terry Fator, shown backstage at Fator’s appearance on “Lopez Tonight.”

Mon, Feb 28, 2011 (4:04 p.m.)

Terry Fator is shaking up his lineup, and his latest puppet, one Berry Fabulous, is coming out of the closet tonight.

The debut of the former lawyer-turned-entertainer (which could be said of Mayor Oscar Goodman, too, but I digress) is at midnight on George Lopez's talk show "Lopez Tonight" on TBS. The unveiling coincides with Fator's second anniversary at The Mirage, where his "Terry Fator: Ventriloquism in Concert" continues to appeal to visitors of all ilk. Or, at least, most ilks.

Fabulous is said to have been a top-ranked attorney at the law firm of Fabulous, Fabulous, Long and Fabulous. He worked as an attorney for more than 20 years before turning to entertainment. His inspirations are said to be Judy Garland, Barbra Streisand and Cher -- and you might as well throw Liza Minnelli and Peter Allen in there, too, in case the point is missed. Fabulous says he is hip-hop Liberace, and dang it's too bad the Liberace Museum has closed its cabaret showroom, right?

Quoted in a news release, Fabulous says, "My incredible stage presence, impressive singing voice and vast repertoire of ballads and rap will add extraordinary energy to the show. What a bonus to do this with Terry Fator -- the man literally has my back and encourages me to find my true self.”

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