State controller: I give up, too

Mon, Aug 24, 2009 (4:18 p.m.)

That's the message in a news release by Controller Kim Wallin, who now has to acknowledge that The Man Formerly Known as Governor was right that he can pretty much do whatever he wants with the stimulus money, thanks to an AG opinion. Oh, the humanity!


The release is here:


Carson City, NV. August 24, 2009. Work programs relating to America Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) dollars coming to Nevada have been entered into the state accounting system. State Controller Kim Wallin released the ten work programs after receiving a written opinion from the Attorney General stating the Governor acted within his authority to have the Controller release the programs based on the executive order claiming a potential loss of life or property if the programs are not released.

“All ARRA work programs sent from the Department of Administration to the Controller’s Office have now been released and are available for the state agencies to access,” said Wallin. “The ARRA dollars available and needed by Nevadans have been flowing and will continue to flow as expected during this economic downturn.”

Controller Wallin requested the opinion from the Attorney General’s Office since work programs typically require approval by the Interim Finance Committee (IFC) of the Legislature. “I asked for the opinion because it was unprecedented to bypass the IFC for this type of work program approval”, said Wallin. “It is important that I follow the law when accounting for all money that passes in the system because my professional licensing as a CPA requires me to act in the highest ethical manner and because the people of Nevada deserve nothing less.” Wallin continued, “I have, and will continue to work with state agencies, the governor, and the legislature to get needed federal dollars to those that are suffering. Nevadans deserve a government that works together, not fighting against itself.”

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