Four former first ladies form PAC to sell possible school bond

Tue, Apr 10, 2012 (3:29 p.m.)

This doesn't happen often: Four former first ladies have joined forces to form a political action committee in case the Clark County School District goes forward with what could be a $5 billion bond issue to renovate facilities.

I'm told the school board has yet to decide whether to go forward with what would be a property tax increase. But the PAC papers were filed today with the secretary of state for the School Improvement Committee, which is chaired by the SOS's mother, former First Lady Sandy Miller. ("No, mom, I can't bend the rules for you. You can't exceed the campaign limits.")

The other members of the PAC: Former First Ladies Bonnie Bryan, Dema Guinn and Dawn Gibbons.

The stated purpose: "To advocate for the passage of a ballot question in support of capital projects for public schools."

It obviously would be a hard sell in this environment. But the district clearly has a four-star team to sell it.

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