51s drop afternoon affair in Nashville

Sun, May 17, 2009 (6:27 p.m.)

The Las Vegas 51s on Sunday found out why Nashville’s Mike Burns is one of the best pitchers in minor league baseball.

Burns limited Las Vegas to one run on six hits in 6 and 2/3 innings and Nashville’s Brendan Katin hit a two-run home run in a 5-1 victory.

Burns, who has a 2.15 earned run average, improved to 6-0.

Las Vegas scored its run in the second on a run-scoring single from Angel Sanchez.

Sanchez, Buck Coats and Randy Ruiz each had two hits for Las Vegas, but it wasn’t enough as the 51s dropped their second consecutive game at Nashville.

The third game of the four-game series is at 4 p.m. Monday.

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