Ways you can medically benefit from cannabis

native 022422

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Cannabis has been used medicinally for thousands of years, according to the University of Sydney, with the first documented case dating back to 2800 BC when Emperor Shen Nung, the father of Chinese medicine, listed it in his pharmacopoeia. Texts from cultures around the world—Indian Hindus, Assyrians, Greeks and Romans—note therapeutic use for a variety of health problems, including arthritis, depression, inflammation, pain and asthma. To this day, we’re still researching and discovering the medical properties of cannabis. What we know for certain is that marijuana is composed of dozens of chemical compounds called cannabinoids. The compounds are believed to be responsible for cannabis’ medically beneficial effects. Here are just a few of those compounds and their potential uses:

CBG is found in very small amounts in cannabis—often about 1% of its active compounds, compared with 15-25% CBD or 20-30% THC. While it’s a scarcer property, it’s gaining recognition because of its purported benefits, including symptom relief for patients with inflammatory bowel disease, glaucoma and Huntington’s Disease.

CBC is believed to work synergistically with other cannabinoids to encourage better processing and absorption of those elements. It binds with receptors in the brain that are linked to pain perception, making this cannabinoid important to future studies.

CBN forms when THC ages and breaks down. Older cannabis flower has higher amounts of CBN for this reason. Some users choose to consume older cannabis and/or allow it to age for the higher amounts of CBN it creates. While still being researched, early studies indicate that CBN might have anticonvulsant, antibacterial and neuroprotectant properties.


One of the most well-recognized cannabinoids, tetrahydrocannabinol is the source of cannabis’ psychoactive effects.

What are the medical benefits of THC?

One of THC’s main benefits is pain relief. A 2013 study conducted at the University of California, Davis, Medical Center found a significant improvement in neuropathic pain with low-dose vaporized cannabis use.

THC also eases nausea and vomiting, increases appetite and can be used as an effective sleep aid. For these reasons, THC is often used to counteract the effects of other medication, such as those given to chemotherapy patients. It’s also a common treatment modality for people with chronic pain, mood disorders and sleep disorders.


Cannabidiol is perhaps the second-most well-known cannabinoid. It’s a non-psychoactive compound often harvested from hemp rather than cannabis (yes, they’re different plants!) because of its high levels of CBD and minimal levels of THC.

What are the medical benefits of CBD?

Unlike THC, CBD is not a federally controlled Schedule 1 substance, which has allowed for researchers to begin studying its medical benefits.

One of the most common uses of CBD is for anxiety and depression. It may also be a promising option for those with post-traumatic stress disorder. Though not a cure, it may be effective for easing the anxiety and sleep disruption associated with PTSD.

CBD is also a tool for pain management, in part because it’s considered an anti-inflammatory, and some research has demonstrated its efficacy in treating neuropathic pain. For this reason, it’s utilized by patients with arthritis.

CBD is FDA approved to treat two forms of epilepsy under the brand name Epidiolex. In clinical trials, it reduced the frequency of seizures for patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome or Dravet syndrome.

Can CBD help protect you from COVID?

Earlier this year, researchers at the University of Chicago found that high-purity doses of CBD may help prevent COVID-19 infection. CBD showed a significant negative association with SARS-CoV-2 positive tests in patients taking the FDA-approved epilepsy drug. This led researchers to recommend clinical trials to explore the link between CBD and COVID-19. Similarly, scientists at Oregon State University published a study that found hemp cannabinoids blocked the virus’s ability to infect humans. While both of these are lab studies—not clinical trials—researchers continue to explore the connection between cannabinoids and COVID-19.