Airport stalled on suggestions for improved parking facilities

Tue, Apr 2, 1996 (11:59 a.m.)

I was there from 1988-1994. After being there for about a year, I was well aware of the parking problem to employees and customers; I had put in about 20 suggestions.

So, in 1989, about July or August, I suggested that the airport build a garage for parking, the top floor for employees and the other nine floors for the public.

As with every suggestion, it was returned. The reason for not building the garage, not enough funds it said and really not needed.

The reason for writing this letter is to make a note that the garage could have been built many years ago and be half paid for by now.

I also would like to add that the garage at that time was or should have been top priority at the airport. You cannot take care of the passengers unless you have someplace for them to park! And employees.

At one time, a very degrading situation existed for employees. A half-hour bus ride to get to your car both morning and night. Plan on coming to work at least an hour before you clock in.

I think the garage should be named after me -- that'll be the day.

Robert Stafford


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