Smokers can only blame themselves for addiction

Wed, Apr 3, 1996 (11:59 a.m.)

Congress wasted its time and our money on the issue. Whatever happened to absolutes? It was obvious from our first puff that sucking tobacco smoke into our lungs was really dumb. Even though it was "cool" and beautiful people did it, it was a habit which took great effort and much painful coughing to form. But we did form it. We did it, pack after pack, brand after brand, breath mint after breath mint, resolution after resolution. There were those who quit, and many never had a problem quitting -- many times. And, unfortunately, there were millions who had their life shortened by the tobacco habit.

Yet, all was by choice. No one forced us to smoke. To blame anyone else for our willingness to partake of a deadly game is one of Satan's great inversions of truth. And we are falling for it. We are convinced that, as a matter of individual rights, we should do whatever we want and no one else should make it their business. Then, when it's time to pay the consequences, we scream "Foul" and look for someone or some entity to sue.

I feel the grief of those who have experienced the tragedy of loss of health and life through the use of tobacco. I am one of the fortunate ones who still lives, with damaged lungs and heart problems, after smoking for a number of years. I know I was an addict! Even though God answered prayers that I quit, I went through withdrawal and still have a twinge of desire to smoke from time to time after nearly 10 years.

How anyone can say tobacco is not addictive is beyond me. Yet, I blame only myself for the habit. I must not have experienced the abuse like those who are suing cigarette companies today. No one held me down, stuck a cigarette in my mouth and jumped on my chest to make me breathe the infernal smoke into my lungs. I don't blame the many who went through such forced torture (and those who mourn) for "getting even."

Jim Austin


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