Explorer to deliver lecture in UNLV conservation series

Tue, Apr 16, 1996 (11:59 a.m.)

Charles Haskell, a modern-day Indiana Jones, will tell of his worldwide expeditions at a free local lecture.

Haskell's most recent adventures were expeditions to the Amazon and Africa.

Chief executive officer of New Century Conservation Trust, Haskell retraced the route adventurer Theodore Roosevelt took on the Rio Roosevelt in the Amazon basin.

Then he followed the famous footsteps of Stanley and Livingston in Africa.

Both expeditions were made into one-hour documentaries for the PBS series "New Explorers."

"Lessons from the Rainforest," the theme of his 7:30 p.m. May 5 lecture at UNLV's Artemus Ham Concert Hall, compares those environments observed by the early explorers to the state of the environment Haskell discovered.

Haskell will present slides to illustrate the environments, comparing and contrasting the modern view with a world more than 100 years old.

The lecture is the second in a series sponsored by the Nevada Wildlife Federation on the world's environment.

Supported by UNLV's Environmental Studies Program and the Howard Hughes Corp., the series can help educate Las Vegas residents about the natural world beyond Southern Nevada's desert.

Space shuttle astronaut Thomas Jones opened the series Feb. 15 with space-eye views of Earth and the state of global warming, deforestation and depletion of the ozone layer.


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