Letter: Hilda created tradition of caring in Las Vegas

Fri, Nov 22, 1996 (11:59 a.m.)

While I was waiting for the transfer of my unemployment checks Hilda helped more than I realized at the time. I washed dishes, peeled potatoes, scrubbed floors and anything else that she needed. Rather than take money, I got a food card which I used to eat off during the times she didn't need the help.

I'll never forget her cinnamon rolls that were so big they could cover a bread plate. The cinnamon roll and a cup of coffee was a good breakfast.

Most of the telephone company help would take their break or lunch at Hilda's. Many a time you had to stand up to have your break.

When the telephone company put in its own restaurant, that was when Hilda moved.

Over the years I had eaten in her restaurant in a bowling alley, Joe's bar and then at the present location. About 1990, I took my wife to meet Hilda. When she finally came out of the kitchen and I made my introduction, she had to get back to the kitchen.

In her retirement, I wish her nothing but the best. I hope and pray she can sit still long enough to enjoy it.

Many thanks, Hilda!

Richard Everding


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