Tyson temporarily suspended by commission

Wed, Jul 2, 1997 (10:13 a.m.)

Less than three days after shocking the world during his disqualification loss to Evander Holyfield, Mike Tyson has been temporarily suspended from boxing and his $30 million purse frozen.

During an emergency meeting today, the Nevada State Athletic Commission voted 5-0 to pursue a disciplinary hearing to determine sanctions against Tyson, who twice bit the ears of Holyfield during the third round of last Saturday's World Boxing Association heavyweight title fight at the MGM Grand.

Tyson has agreed to waive his 30-day grace period to respond to the charges, but must first submit the waiver in writing. Then the meeting must be posted for three days before any action can be taken.

He continues to be under temporary suspension. His $30 million purse was frozen today, pending his formal hearing.

By law, boxing commissioners can only fine Tyson up to 10 percent of his purse, or $3 million. But they can suspend him from the sport of boxing for as long as he lives if they choose.

A new federal law took effect today that forces other states to honor any suspension that Nevada imposes.

"We're obviously going to ask for some reason and judgment" Tyson attorney Marty Keach said at the hearing.

"He also wants to fight again. That's what he does for a living. That's what his whole life is based on," Keach said.

Tyson did not appear at today's meeting. But he made an impassioned plea for forgiveness in front of media at the MGM Grand Monday on his 31st birthday.

The so-called "Baddest Man on the Planet" apologized Monday evening to Holyfield for his shocking behavior during Saturday's title rematch.

"Evander, I am sorry," Tyson calmly said. "You are a champion, and I respect that."

The former undisputed heavyweight champion of the world, reading from a seven-page prepared statement, said he is receiving psychiatric help and begged the commission not to ban him.

"Saturday night was the worst night of my professional career as a boxer," said Tyson, who spoke for 4 minutes, 16 seconds but took no questions. "I'm here to apologize, to ask the people who expected more from Mike Tyson to forgive me for snapping in that ring."

Holyfield, meanwhile, accepted Tyson's apology and said it was "a good gesture."

"The fans truly deserve it most," he said. "They are the ones who didn't get to see a full show."

Holyfield said Nevada officials should hand down a stern penalty.

"Whatever punishment they give him will show what kind of commission we have," he told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "It has to be something to make a statement; otherwise, other people are going to be doing the same thing."

Tyson stood alone at the podium as promoter Don King and co-managers John Horne and Rory Holloway watched from the shadows near the room's back entrance. None offered comment.

Tyson singled out several others for apologies, including the Indianapolis judge who sentenced him to prison for raping Desiree Washington in 1991.

Tyson attempted to explain his rationale for viciously gnawing off the champ's right upper ear and then chomping on Holyfield's other ear. Tyson, sporting stitches over his right brow, said Holyfield intentionally head-butted him in the first and second rounds.

"I cannot tell you why I acted like I did, other than to say that when the butting occurred, and I thought I might lose because of the severity of the cut above my eye, I just snapped," he said.

"I expect to pay the price like a man," he said. "I expect the Nevada State Athletic Commission to hand down a severe penalty, and I am here to say I will not fight it."

According to state laws, Tyson's fine cannot exceed $3 million, but he can be banned for life. Under a new federal boxing law that goes into effect today, all other states must honor any suspension.

"I only ask that I not be penalized for life for this mistake," he said. "I will instruct my managers and promoters to waive any time restrictions so the penalties can begin immediately, so that I can show the boxing fans of the world that I am willing to accept what I have coming to me.

"To those of you who say that I should never fight again, I can only say that I am just 31 years old, in the prime of my career. I have made it this far because I had no other way."

Marc Ratner, the commission's executive director, did not return calls placed to his office Monday.

Tyson also addressed the post-fight comments Horne made to Showtime-SET, broadcasters of the pay-per-view event, about Holyfield's reaction to being bitten. During the interview, Horne said "Holyfield jumped around like a little bitch."

Said Tyson: "I also have told everyone associated with me that I will not stand for any more of the nasty and insulting comments made to Evander Holyfield and his boxing team."

After thanking the media for listening, Tyson was whisked away to a waiting limousine, where he rode off with King, Horne and Holloway.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS contributed to this article.


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