Letter: Put nuclear dump in Washington, D.C.

Mon, Mar 10, 1997 (11:59 a.m.)

There are many people raising children here, and many senior citizens live here. Also, we are a gamin state that deals with people all over the world.

No matter how careful the transportation company is with nuclear waste, there is always a chance of an accident. When that happens and the odds of it happening are great, many people will be hurt or killed. I think that the people who live in this state should have the right to make the decision. The Test Site is not the best choice of places to put it. Also, as a gaming town, what right do we have to endanger our visitors' lives?

We have been chosen because, to be truthful, no other state wants it. How about putting the nuclear dum in Washington, D.C.?

In all fairness, the people should have the say.

Beverly Foster


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