Editorial: Dolphins may not be so cute after all

Wed, Jul 7, 1999 (9:42 a.m.)

Most people look fondly on dolphins, but the New York Times reported Tuesday that researchers have found dolphins can be cold-blooded killers. Yes, that's right, dolphins, who have been mythologized as carefree, loving creatures. Is there nothing left that is sacred?

Man's love affair with the aquatic mammal often has resulted in human-like traits being ascribed to dolphins, including the ability to reason. Scientists have found another striking similarity with humans: Dolphins, unlike other animals, will go on murderous rampages that have nothing to do with food. There also have been instances of dolphins bludgeoning porpoises to death by the hundreds.

Now even the image of the gentle dolphin has been shattered. Imagine the difficulty parents and teachers will face as they try to explain to children that dolphins, too, can be ruthless killers. Say it ain't so, Flipper.


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