Letter: Clintons using Littleton to push gun control

Thu, Jun 10, 1999 (9:48 a.m.)

Even before the 13 murder victims of school terror had been laid to rest, Bill and Hillary Clinton faced the nation to demand that you pay the price for the insanity of the killers.

During a news conference, Clinton declared war on our fundamental rights. We have a huge hunting and sports shooting culture in America -- when there are no constituents for this movement the movement will evaporate.

The Clintons believe they can destroy a whole culture -- a small "acceptable" piece at a time, divide and conquer.

They are counting on the shadows of Littleton to drive you into fearful isolation, unwilling to speak out against any restriction they call reasonable. If you don't act today you will fall victim to Bill Clinton's cultural cleansing.

Clinton is working with Sen. Charles Schumer, Sara Brady, and media and entertainment industries -- daily purveyors of mind-numbing violence -- to the point of pointing fingers of blame squarely at you and Second Amendment rights.

Clinton is betting that he can shame you into accepting whatever gun control scheme he demands. It's up to you to prove him wrong.



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