Letter: Scofflaws cause traffic hazard

Tue, Oct 26, 1999 (10:03 a.m.)

I make a right turn to go north toward the gate to get out of the complex, but to my surprise, there are meatheads, who enter the complex, and readily drive up to the mailboxes, parking on the east side of the street, closest to the mailboxes. By doing this they are creating a possibility of a head-on collision.

People should know that when going south, they should park on the west side of the street to get their mail. I know that they are too lazy or crippled to do this, but that's the law. I think it's very funny that these people complain about the country's problems, and break the laws themselves. They can't walk across the street, or walk to a store.

Next time I turn that corner, and hit a car head on, we'll let the police decide who's right and who's wrong.



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