Sun Flashbacks: Keeping peace at the Sun

Sat, Jul 1, 2000 (2:10 a.m.)

Chris Crystal, Clark County government reporter, city editor, 1969-74, 1977-79, on Hank Greenspun, the modest peacemaker:

"The Sun is what it is today because of Hank Greenspun -- one of the greatest movers and shakers Nevada ever had. He had enormous vision for the state and moved in many circles -- identifying with the so-called little guy or hobnobbing with kings.

"With that in mind, I was looking around for Hank one day to ask him a question about a story, and he was nowhere to be found. Later, over the photo wire, came a picture taken that day of Hank walking along the Nile with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and U.S. President Jimmy Carter.

"I didn't even know Hank was in the Middle East because he was not one to blow his own horn. He didn't brag when he was about to take such important trips and he didn't brag about his accomplishments after such events.

"But I was not surprised when I saw that photo because Hank was skilled in peacemaking and he wanted to do anything he could to help bring peace to the world. I was never more proud to work for a newspaper where the publisher operated at such a level that he was able to assist the world's leaders.

"Hank always saw the bigger picture."

Crystal went on to work for United Press International and today is media relations manager for the Nevada Commission on Tourism in Carson City.


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