Editorial: Addressing domestic violence

Fri, Oct 6, 2000 (10:09 a.m.)

This week Gov. Kenny Guinn and Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa are working to heighten awareness of the damage that domestic violence can inflict on spouses. As part of this effort, both Guinn and Del Papa are encouraging businesses to better educate their employees about this growing problem. Some of the steps employers can take include: sending memos to all employees about why it's important to take a stand against domestic violence, distributing domestic violence prevention information along with paychecks, and selecting a contact person in each company who employees can speak to for support or receive referral information.

Domestic violence is widespread. Del Papa notes that annually in Nevada there are 18,000 incidences of domestic violence reported to police. In addition, last year 62,000 women contacted domestic violence programs in Nevada. For those businesses who don't want to get involved by providing awareness information to their employees, they should reconsider since domestic violence doesn't end at home. Domestic violence costs companies in the pocketbook because of higher medical bills and the lost productivity when employees are so hurt that they can't report to work.

Not only are the battered spouses among the victims, but their children, too, are scarred by witnessing a parent who has been assaulted. Anything the state can do to get more information to victims, so they know where to turn to find help, is definitely a plus.


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