Letter: Ensign’s record against elderly speaks for itself

Fri, Oct 6, 2000 (10:04 a.m.)

The main reason his benefits have not gone down is because the bills Ensign voted for were defeated by joint efforts of the Democrats and Republicans, or were defeated by a president's veto. The records in Congress verify Ed Bernstein's allegations. The TV commercials stating the allegations give the reference where you can find it for yourself.

Ensign also voted for a Medicare change which would have allowed a contract to be let to insurance companies without a patients' protection clause. Had it passed, your health plan premiums would have gone up and coverage down, and you would not have any recourse!

Ensign recently helped a lady get a mammogram, etc. Good for him! But it is too bad he didn't show the same compassion for the thousands of people who put him in office when he voted against them. As I remember she was a close friend!

I worked for 10 years in retirement helping widows get their benefits, including Medicare and Social Security. I also worked with groups which went to Congress to save benefits for the little guys. I am 78 years old.

So take it from me, you are backing the wrong man. Rich people usually don't experience the same hardships as we who are self-made.



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