New policy on school testing procedures in effect

Fri, Oct 6, 2000 (10:23 a.m.)

A new policy that clamps down on testing procedures in the Clark County School District is being put in place this year.

The 10-page booklet covers proper procedures for test preparation, timing the test, administering the test, security, confidentiality and collecting and scoring tests.

On or before Sept. 30 every year, each school principal will hold a meeting on testing procedures for all staff, according to the guidelines. Additionally, licensed or classified personnel will sign a receipt indicating they received a copy of the booklet and understand it.

Students in grades 4, 8 and 10 this month are taking the TerraNova exam, a test the Nevada Department of Education uses to determine if schools are in need of improvement. October also marks the administration of the High School Proficiency Exam to juniors and to seniors who have not passed it.

Students must pass the High School Proficiency Exam in order to receive a diploma. Those who don't pass, but meet all other graduation requirements, earn a certificate of attendance.

Some examples of the new regulations are:


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