Letter: GOP can’t keep its hands off Social Security

Fri, Dec 21, 2001 (10:04 a.m.)

Well, the rigged Bush commission on Social Security is out with its final report which, among other things, recommends benefit cuts for both current and future retirees (big surprise). But wait -- congressional Republicans say even they don't want any part of it until after next year's election, fearing a backlash at the polls if they try to enact the recommendations.

Of course, Bush has not weighed in as yet, but you can rest assured he doesn't want it to come up a year before he is up for re-election, so he will probably twist some arms to get it done next year. This should make for some interesting times coming up.

When are these stupid politicians going to learn to just leave Social Security alone, at least on the benefit end? I say raise the payroll tax, and if younger people refuse to pay the tax anymore, let them take over the job Social Security has done so well over the years and pray their kids will do the same for them when they get old. End of story!

Bush's gang sure likes to throw the words "freedom" and "liberty" around while at the same time doing all they can to curtail or deny same. A typical Republican tap dance -- say one thing while doing another!

They really must think most Americans are stupid -- they just might be right!



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