Letter: Spending spree is not the answer

Fri, Dec 21, 2001 (4:11 a.m.)

I am concerned that the avalanche of calls for Americans to go shopping to give our economy a boost undermines both our families' and our nation's security. It is time we take the blinders off to examine the implications of taking on more financial stress, and to clarify what purchases would really strengthen our country.

In a nation where money problems are a leading factor in divorce and more people declare personal bankruptcy each year than graduate from college, it's clear there's no heroism in spending beyond one's means.

But if we are going to spend, we should look for purchases that will alleviate our energy demands, not increase our dependence on oil. An efficient refrigerator or a hybrid vehicle would seem more patriotic choices than a gas-guzzling Ford Destroyer.

Of course, we can also improve our nation's energy security simply by driving less and conserving heat and electricity in our homes. Patriotism is not about running our bank accounts into the red just to perpetuate the status quo; it's about making our great nation -- and the world -- a better place for ourselves, our neighbors and our children.



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