Letter: Conservatives filled with hate

Thu, Feb 1, 2001 (10:35 a.m.)

I saw that disgusting performance of Brian Williams on MSNBC evening news on Jan. 24. He has become another Rush Limbaugh and makes his ratings off his hate for the Clintons/Democrats -- ditto for Chris Matthews of "Hardball."

After that hurtful, stolen November election, I say just add Brian Williams to all those conservative talk shows (i.e., Ollie North, Rush Limbaugh, etc.) and the GOP rags -- the Washington Times, the National Review, the National Enquirer, etc. Also, don't forget the GOP network owned by Rupert Murdoch -- Fox. That network's news seethes with hate, and President Bush's cousin at Fox helped steal the election.

As for the Clinton housewarming gifts, consider this. Former President Ronald Reagan was given a debt-free California mansion by a group of billionaires. This was shortly after leaving office and after Reagan signed one of the largest tax cuts for the wealthy in history.

Hey, Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., you and your weekly anti-Clinton committee should look at Reagan when investigating the Clinton's china and flatware!



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