Letter: Republicans now have total control of nation

Tue, Jan 23, 2001 (10:05 a.m.)

My congratulations to letter writer Ron Danish ("Democrats can stop crying") and your other Republican readers.

Now all the branches of the federal government are under your control: the presidency, the Senate, the House of Representatives and the Supreme Court. Most of the statehouses of government, including Nevada, are also controlled by Republicans. You won't be bothered by troublesome Democrats anymore.

But please, can you learn to be good winners? You don't have to lob rotten eggs from the back seats anymore. You have won the game.

The fat lady has sung. Your former adversaries are gone. It's time to stop the insults and to run with your new political power.

Why, with all that Republican horsepower in government, the future should be bright for all of you. In eight years you will all be rich, the stock market will be booming, there will be no more IRS, the budget will be balanced, inflation will be zero and there will be no more national debt.

You may have to suffer a bit with Department of Energy trucks, laden with nuclear waste, passing by your front door and creating health risks to your families. But who cares?

We liberal Democrats have little to live for. If we annoy you by pointing out troublesome facts such as Gore receiving one-half million more votes than Bush -- don't let it get to you.

If we are upset that a conservative Supreme Court stopped the vote count and appointed Bush to the presidency -- just forget it. You've got the power, and how you got it doesn't matter.

We're just licking our wounds on our poverty-infested vote farms, waiting for you to give us our next political whipping.



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