Letter: Bush catering to criminals

Fri, Jul 20, 2001 (10:30 a.m.)

Fill your Cabinet with Daddy's ex-staff, make sure all the surplus money Clinton found is given only to the wealthy, and now even consider making 3 million Mexican-born illegal immigrants legal? Is the man totally insane? And, of course, he would do it to try to ensure that he is more than a "one-term president," which will never happen. His C-average grades in college are showing.

Why should this country embrace people who are criminals because they decided they had the right to come here illegally while other countries' citizens don't stand a chance of crossing our borders, legally or not! If Bush really thinks that by making these people voters he can guarantee his place as president, he'd better look again. People are prone to vote in someone to their own country's advantage. What right does he have to make such a huge decision without input from the people? Of course, we are not a government "of the people, for the people" anyhow, and haven't been for years.

How much more damage will this underachiever do to our country before we can whisk him out of office?

If you must be able to speak and read English in order to become a citizen, why then do some places in the nation use ballots written in both English and Spanish? Why are interpreters in the polling places? Many voters don't even understand English, yet are given our "right" to vote.

What will happen with 3 million more foreign-speaking citizens set loose at the polls?



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