Guest Where I Stand — Joseph Walker: Busy on world front

Fri, Dec 27, 2002 (11:20 a.m.)

Editor's note: More than 1,000 students from 30 Clark County High Schools participated in the 47th annual Sun Youth Forum Nov. 26 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The students were divided into groups to discuss various topics. A spokesperson was chosen from each discussion group to write a column about the students' findings. Joseph Walker of Foothill High School tells of the students' opinions about world affairs.

SHOULD THE United States focus so much time and energy on foreign affairs? This question was at the center of almost every topic in our discussion group. Our group concluded that much of the world is in turmoil and terrorism still threatens American life, but ideas for solutions to these problems varied greatly.

Moderator Danny Greenspun asked, "Why is the United States so invested in the Middle East?" The three main reasons given by the group included oil, terrorism, and the fact that the United States serves as the world police force. One student brought up the fact that Canada and Mexico both provide vast quantities of oil, and the government does not have plans to attack them in the near future. Also, if the government was so crazed for oil, Alaska's great potential would already be tapped into.

Many argued about whether this country has the responsibility to operate as the police to foreign nations. Some students argued that government officials simply wish to garner public support and political privileges through international conflict and not to truly assist those nations in need of our support. On the other hand, since the disbanding of the Soviet Union, the U.S. has functioned as the world's only superpower, and it is this nation's obligation and responsibility to relieve oppressed people.

As expected, the events of Sept. 11 required a great deal of our group's discussion time. What is terrorism, and what drives terrorists to act on their hatred? One member of the group pointed out that the Islamic world harshly punishes fornicators and the United States may deserve this punishment. Is fornicating as horrible as murder? Did the United States bring these acts of terror upon itself? Although a very small percent affirmed these statements as truth, the majority believed the contrary.

One trigger for terrorism may be jealousy. How many people spend their life savings and put themselves in harm to emigrate to India or Cambodia? How many act in the same manner in attempt to enter America? The terrorists are jealous of this nation's affluence, freedom, entertainment and powerful government. Another possible explanation for these acts of hate may come from the hatred of Americans' Christian beliefs. They feel Christianity is inferior to their religion and want all to convert to the "true" religion.

Has the United Nations outlived its usefulness, and has the time come for the United States to contemplate on withdrawal? If a nation such as Iraq threatens the whole world, why will the U.N. only act with compromise after extreme pressure? A few members in the forum did believe that the U.N. is no longer useful to the United States, and the time has arrived for this nation to withdraw its support and funding. These members argued that this organization supports socialism and other forms of government but not democracy.

Another group who believed the U.N.'s effectiveness disintegrates more and more every day thought that this nation cannot withdraw because this country needs to be involved in all world affairs, and abandonment may cause resentment in other nations. The bulk of the group claimed that the U.N. works as a vital mediator between the United States and other countries. The U.N. assists our nation by presenting foreign nations' beliefs and cultures. The U.S. needs a check when engaging in combat with other countries.

The hottest topic of the day covered the issue of securing America's borders. The most extreme solutions to this dilemma included shooting everyone who attempts to cross the border illegally, or annexing Mexico so the immigration problem would be alleviated. America is a melting pot for the whole world and everyone should have the opportunity to succeed in this great nation. Should the plaque on the Statue of Liberty that reads "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free ... Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost, to me" be covered to declare no vacancy in the United States?

But how does the United States keep our country safe when so many illegal immigrants enter the country each year? If more immigrants are permitted, the economy may suffer and overpopulation may become an issue. But if the government allows less, more and more will enter illegally. The consensus was that immigrants should have the same opportunity in this country as our great-grandfathers who entered as immigrants hundreds of years ago, but the process must include more checks on the person entering. The government needs to know much more about who really comes into this nation every day.

Although our group did not resolve most of the issues presented, this experience with the Sun Youth Forum greatly benefited all involved. It confirmed that kids can and do have their own opinions on matters of the country besides what happened on the TV show "Friends" last night. This discussion assisted in presenting new points of view and in getting kids involved with the affairs of this nation and the world.


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