Columnist Jon Ralston: Democrats to feel post-election hangover

Fri, Nov 1, 2002 (4:43 a.m.)

Reliable polling shows more Republicans patronize Nordstrom, so that actually is emblematic of what's happening this cycle: Democrats have virtually nowhere to shop for high-quality merchandise.

The Republicans have all the money, all the anointed candidates and all the ethics (if the ads are to be believed). So all the Democrats are likely to be left with come Wednesday morning is a shopping bag full of trinkets, with nearly all the valuable jewels (a constitutional office sweep, a new congressional district, the state Senate) in Republican hands.

The result for the Democrats will be a post-election hangover that could last into the next cycle (yes, Campaign '04 begins the day after this year's balloting) and should worry the man at the top of the ticket in two years, Democratic Anointer-in-Chief Harry Reid, and the leaders of the Assembly (who will have a diminished advantage).

The only mystery remaining in this election is whether the Democrats (assisted by labor) can overcome their flock's ennui and drag enough of them out to vote Tuesday to make the results respectable. Their problem, though, is that like a poor man peering into Nordstrom, many Democrats surely are thinking: Why bother making the effort?

I have no such luxury when it comes to predicting election outcomes -- I cannot help myself. But you are in luck: I am like the Nordstrom of Nostradamuses -- guaranteed quality and the only one in town.

Here's what will happen Tuesday -- I am staying away from those judicial contests, with the readymade excuse that I don't think judges should run for office, and individual Assembly races because that would look too much like pure guesswork, as opposed to these scientifically arrived at choices:


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