Letter: This election was not a mandate for the far right

Tue, Nov 12, 2002 (8:56 a.m.)

History has been made as the party of the current president gained not only seats in a mid-term election but also gained control of Congress. Was this, however, a mandate, as the pundits are saying, or is this a manifestation of something else?

This is not a mandate to the Republican Party to move to the far right. Nor is it a statement to the Democrats that liberalism is moribund and without a future.

I believe those Americans, who acted both by commission in the act of voting and by omission in the act of not voting, were telling the politicians of both parties, both on the state and federal level, that we are tired of partisan politics and a do-nothing Congress and state Legislature. We want an active, energetic and progressive form of limited government that acts not to strengthen one party in the form of House or Senate control, but rather that acts to improve and protect our nation.

This election was not a mandate to go to war with Iraq. No one in their right mind would send our young men and women into another quagmire such as we suffered in Vietnam, unless such an act was a last resort to failed diplomacy.

This vote was also not a mandate to eliminate the current tax system. This country cannot grow and continue to remain a super nation without tax revenues.

This election was not a mandate to do anything in a foolhardy manner without forethought. This election did not say that right is right and left is wrong.



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