Letter: Bush thinks war is a video game

Fri, Oct 18, 2002 (6:08 a.m.)

It was reported this week that the North Koreans have been working on building additional nuclear weapons. Does that mean that after Iraq the USA will attack North Korea?

It is interesting that the president is continuing to run off to political fund-raisers, while he has failed to visit the VA hospitals and national cemeteries to view the carnage of war.

War is not a video game to be played in the White House with the likes of Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld telling him how the game is played. He needs to visit and talk to some of the walking wounded and shell-shocked who survived the battles at Normandy, Kassarine Pass in Africa, the retreat from Chosin Reservoir in Korea and the rice paddies of Vietnam.



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