Letter: Iraq trips not that dangerous

Wed, Dec 10, 2003 (8:41 a.m.)

A Dec. 5 letter to the editor provided a fawning account of President Bush's recent brief layover at the Baghdad Airport. The author seemed to have been in a state of shock and awe when he characterized Bush as "a leader who will bravely risk his life to fly to the battle front to speak to them (the troops)." In fact, Bush's surreptitious arrival, layover and hasty retreat from the "battle front" was about as fraught with danger as a trip to Wal-Mart.

How about Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld's recent sojourn to the mean streets of Kirkuk. Maybe he should presented with a special civilian version of the Silver Star Medal. And, of course, we mustn't forget Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's intrepid foray to the "battle fronts" of both Iraq and Afghanistan. No doubt, even Xena the Warrior Princess would be moved to tears by Hillary's fearlessness!

Frankly, I can't imagine anyone but a lifelong (and highly partisan) civilian believing it took great courage to do what Bush did.



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