Letter: The real enemy sits in Moscow, not Baghdad

Mon, Jan 13, 2003 (8:55 a.m.)

We are invading the wrong country! Recently thousands of U.S. troops have been called from reserve and shipped off to the Persian Gulf to fight a war against Saddam Hussein.

Saddam has currently been a good boy by complying with whatever dictates the United Nations has given him. Inspectors wanted uninhibited access to sites -- they got it. Inspectors wanted a history of Iraq's weapons program and boy did they get it (12,000 pages)! Yet with all this compliance and not a scratch of evidence of weapons of mass destruction, the U.S. government has revved up it its war machine to invade Iraq.

In the past, no doubt Sadaam has not been a good boy, by killing and murdering thousands of people, but remember that was the past. Now in Moscow the man in charge, Vladimir Putin, is being a very bad boy. He has sent in his drunken Russian hordes into the tiny caucus republic of Chechnya where they have and continue to commit murderous and barbaric actions that would make Attila the Hun take notice. The Russian government has not done a single thing to try and curb the brutality.

We fought Iraq in 1991 because of the invasion of Kuwait and in 2003 we want to invade Iraq again, but this time they haven't invaded any country nor seem to possess weapons of mass destruction. Yet at this very moment Russia has occupied Chechnya for three years and has enough weapons of mass destruction to blow up this world many times over. Stop the boats and planes -- the real enemy sits in Moscow, not Baghdad.



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