Letter: Military draft should include SUV drivers

Fri, Jan 17, 2003 (9:19 a.m.)

On the glut of Republican conservative radio talk shows, there is the usual constant complaining of having to pay taxes -- ho-hum. But now they are even hollering about possibly having to pay a few extra cents for gasoline to operate the gas-guzzling vehicles they choose to drive. Many even insist that it is perfectly legitimate to go to war simply for oil so they can continue their environmentally unsafe lifestyles! How do these money-crazed characters manage to live with themselves?

There is increasing talk of reinstituting the draft. If this happens, let's also make certain that the age restrictions are dropped and that everyone will be drafted to serve in combat, from the age of 18 as it is now to the age of 80. Then we'll see if these characters will be so anxious to shed their own blood for cheaper gasoline to fill up their big SUVs.

After all, any adult of any age is capable of shooting a rifle, or pushing a computer button to send out missiles murdering innocent civilians and their children -- or pressing a button in a plane releasing weapons of mass destruction, wiping out entire cities. One needs not be a rocket scientist to learn to kill. Age should not be a factor.

When these warmongering morons and the appointed administration they support are forced to join the 350,000 young Americans being sent into harm's way in this unprovoked revengeful "all about oil" travesty, "courageous" Bush and company and their followers may finally understand the horror and futility of war.

Until then, all decent human beings can do nothing but strongly protest -- and to either impeach or vote them out of office as soon as possible.



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