Letter: Un-elected administration spurs questions

Mon, Jun 9, 2003 (9:07 a.m.)

A few questions are in order. Where is Osama bin Laden? Where is Saddam Hussein? Where are the "weapons of mass destruction" in oil-rich Iraq (which had nothing to do with 9-11), the supposed reason our courageous young military men and women were sent into harm's way? Where is the promised gratitude of the Iraqis who were "liberated" and are now shooting at our troops, looting, rioting and demanding "Americans go home"?

Where is that promised "independent" investigation into the true facts of Sept. 11? Where are the indictments and imprisonment of the thieving CEOs of Enron and the other monstrous corporations (huge contributors to the Republican Party) who were caught red-handed, causing millions of hard-working Americans to lose their homes, jobs and life savings?

Where is President Clinton's enormous "rainy day" surplus that was squandered on huge tax cuts (payoffs) to the wealthiest supporters of the Republican Party? Where are the desperately needed veterans benefits just sharply cut and where are all of the other beneficial Democratic programs now being trashed by the Bush gang?

Where are the safeguards that were promised to make sure that there is never another contaminated presidential election like the 2000 debacle? Where are our most important allies, now alienated by Bush's insults and total lack of diplomatic skills? Where is the lost peace, prosperity and humanitarianism of our formerly highly respected country which is now in such dire straits?

But perhaps the most appalling question of all: Where is the intelligence of those Americans who are allowing themselves to be deceived so shamefully and thoroughly by an un-elected administration? May heaven help our beloved country.



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