Editorial: Whole park should bear Wright’s name

Tue, Jun 17, 2003 (8:50 a.m.)

Somewhere, somehow, within the layered bureaucracy of Las Vegas City Hall, an error crept onto the agenda of a park-naming subcommittee. Probably because it sounded so logical, the error -- that of naming the entire new park adjacent to City Hall after Frank Wright -- was approved unanimously. The error was ironic, as Wright over the past 20 years gained a towering reputation as a historian and museum curator who put errors about Las Vegas' history to rest. Actually, the subcommittee was supposed to have voted on whether to name just a portion of the park after Wright. The error was "corrected" and Wednesday the City Council is scheduled to vote on naming part of the park the "Frank Wright Pavilion."

Wright never did anything partway in his whole career. So in honoring him, why should we? Southern Nevada's history is secure because of his fastidious research and tireless work with local, national and international writers and filmmakers. Now let's make his legacy secure. The whole park should bear his name.


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