Sun Lite for March 31, 2003

Mon, Mar 31, 2003 (8:15 a.m.)

Sweet springtime

Webster's Dictionary defines spring fever as "the laziness and listlessness that many people feel during the first warm, sunny days of spring."

Listless? Any card-carrying parent knows clear skies and pleasant temps do nothing but ratchet up the enthusiasm of their already-energetic tikes, who are reeling from the effects of being cooped up all winter indoors.

And year after year, we offer the little bundles of endorphins lawn darts, baseball bats and croquet mallets weapons disguised as toys, essentially as they head out to play. Then Mom and Dad are upset when spring fevers turns into spring contusions. There must be a less painful way to herald the season's arrival.

We're all for enjoying the great outdoors. That's why we suggest sitting Junior beneath a tree and having him exercise his brain a bit by entering a few national contests designed strictly for kids. Dreyer's is looking for young ice cream fans to dream up new creamy concoctions for a contest in honor of the company's 75th anniversary.

A Scoop of the U.S.A. is open to youngsters age 8-14, who should invent a new ice cream flavor by culling from their own home state's history and lore. Dreyer's suggests kids from the Golden State might shake things up with "California Cheesequake," while Floridians could opt for "Alligator Crunch," featuring fudge-filled green gator candies.

Here's the scoop (get it?) on the contest rules: To enter, submit the flavor's name and a description, and in 250 words or less explain why the flavor portrays your home state "in the coolest way." Send entries by Sept. 19 in care of the contest to Dreyer's, 5929 College Ave., Oakland, CA 94618. Additional information is served at

Kitchen catastrophes

The Maids Home Services, of Omaha, Neb., is sponsoring a contest where the kids do all the work, but parents are the real winners.

For its Dad's Dinner Disaster contest, in advance of Father's Day on June 15, the national maid-service franchiser is asking sons and daughters, ages 6-12, to spill the beans or pancake batter, or gravy or split-pea soup on dear old Dad's culinary blunders.

All that's needed is a drawing of and an essay (100 words or less) describing the biggest mess Pop ever made in the kitchen while attempting to prepare a meal. The father of the grand-prize winner will be awarded one year's worth of maid service. Entries addressed in care of the contest are due by May 1 to the company at 4820 Dodge St., Omaha, NE 68132. Want more info? Visit

Say it isn't soap

Finally, the chance for some redemption for the nightly struggles you endure trying to get the youngest members of your brood into the bathtub.

The search is on for the next Ivory Baby, the chubby-cheeked mascot who last graced packages of Ivory soap products about 30 years ago. To celebrate the advertising birth of the first Ivory Baby 115 years ago, the company earlier this year crisscrossed the nation hosting casting calls for children age 5 and younger in hopes of finding a new Ivory infant.

You can still get your youngster in on the action: Take a picture (snapped within the year) of him or her posing with a bar of Ivory, and explain in 25 words or less why your little one should be the next Ivory Baby. Submit both by May 12 to Ivory Contest, P.O. Box 4582, Blair, NE 68009-4582. The grand prize is a $50,000 scholarship, a trip to New York, a year's supply of Ivory and an ad featuring your smiling, sudsy spawn.


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