Letter: Feds must rein in exotic-pets trade

Tue, May 6, 2003 (8:56 a.m.)

The horrendous conditions uncovered last week at "Tiger Rescue," a supposed tiger sanctuary in Southern California, are just the tragic consequence of America's unregulated, growing exotic-pet industry. According to the Associated Press, state Fish and Game officials who raided Tiger Rescue's facility April 22 uncovered the bodies of almost 90 dead tigers, at least half of them cubs. They also rescued 13 neglected tiger and lion cubs.

Grim scenarios like this one are likely to continue as long as exotic-pet breeders are permitted to operate without regulation, churning out tiger cubs and selling them online for as little as $300 with little thought for their future care. This tragedy underscores the urgent need for Congress to pass the exotic pets bill, Senate Bill 269 and House Resolution 1006, to ban the interstate shipment of tigers, lions and other large, wild cats for the exotic-pet trade.

Please contact your senator and U.S. representative and ask them to co-sponsor this important piece of legislation and help put the brakes on the exotic-pet trade. Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., helped introduce this bill and needs our support to encourage other elected officials to sign on. A couple of phone calls, letters and e-mails can make all the difference in helping prevent this type of suffering inflicted on innocent animals.



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