Letter: Dixie Chicks deserve praise

Wed, May 28, 2003 (8:55 a.m.)

It seems to me the people who booed the Dixie Chicks last Thursday at the Academy of Country Music Awards at Mandalay Bay hadn't investigated both sides. They timidly went along with the president for fear of being called unpatriotic.

The Dixie Chicks praised the performance of our troops. Their criticism was for the man who sent them into Iraq.

Many people believe that the Iraqis were not connected with the World Trade Center bombing. They believe Bush should have kept after Osama bin Laden and the terrorists. They were Saudi Arabians.

Bush disgraced our country and the image of democracy in the eyes of the world by ignoring world opinion. Now we are left with a terrible, costly mess in the Middle East while domestic programs go unfunded.

I call the Dixie Chicks patriotic for boldly opposing this man who is leading the U.S. over a cliff.



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