Letter: Nice opportunity to attract teachers

Fri, May 30, 2003 (5:30 a.m.)

I was under the impression that Nevada was willing to make a commitment to education that the gerrymandered legislature in Arizona has fought against for at least the last decade. Based on this impression, I chose to resign my position in Arizona to teach mathematics in the Clark County School District next year. When my wife gets out of the U.S. Army, she will join me and teach chemistry.

Mathematics and chemistry teachers are in short supply across the country, and my wife and I are willing to relocate to a community that appreciates what we have to offer. If Nevada is not going to make that commitment, then my stay in Nevada will be brief, much like in 1984 when my father was stationed at Nellis Air Force Base.

You have an opportunity in Nevada to attract teachers from across the country by investing in the children and future of Nevada. Everyone likes the expression "you get what you pay for" until it comes to taxes. You have to decide what you are willing to pay. Educated citizens raise the quality of life for everyone in the community. You need to express to your elected representatives that some things are more important than ideology. We all know how conservatives feel about taxes, but how do they feel about education?



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