Letter: Elderly drivers should be tested

Tue, Sep 9, 2003 (9:19 a.m.)

On Aug. 27 I was involved in a dangerous driving situation on Rainbow Boulevard just before reaching Oakey Boulevard. A woman at least 80 years of age wanted to make a left turn across traffic where there was no traffic light. At the last minute, she decided to turn back into traffic right in front of me. I had to bear down on my horn and slam my foot on the brake so that we would not collide.

Oblivious to the sounding horn and my screeching brakes, she then decided to make the left turn after all. I followed her into the parking lot and when she parked her vehicle, I approached her. She very calmly told me that she had not seen me and proceeded to tell me that she has been driving since she was 16. It was obvious that she did not realize what her dangerous driving could have resulted in.

My suggestion for the state of Nevada is to have people age 75 or older be retested behind the wheel every six months to a year, so their ability to keep their driver's license is valid.

I realize that teenagers, because of their inexperience, can cause accidents. But the elderly are also the cause of many serious and needless traffic violations.



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