Letter: America’s rescue should begin with ‘04 election

Thu, Sep 11, 2003 (8:39 a.m.)

Despite vehement protests all over the world, the appointed Bush administration sent our young military members into harm's way to invade and take over the oil fields of Iraq (the second-largest oil supply in the world) in a country having nothing to do with Sept. 11. Yet the price of domestic gasoline for American consumers is now through the roof and rising steadily with no end in sight.

President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice and many others in this un-elected administration were former executives or investors in major oil companies and their main financial interests are in oil. This, of course, includes their secondary commitment to the pharmaceutical and power companies, huge contributors to the Republican Party, and whose prices are predictably also rising out of sight.

It is well past time for loyal, intelligent, informed Americans to do the simple math in this alarming state of affairs so harmful to our young military men and women and so harmful as well to working, disabled and retired non-millionaire citizens. They should act accordingly, by beginning the rescue of our country on the first Tuesday of November 2004. We are counting the days.



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