Letter: Iraq invasion sows seeds for more terrorism

Fri, Sep 26, 2003 (9:46 a.m.)

It's difficult to believe that Rep. Jim Gibbons, who serves on the House intelligence committee, would continue to justify our actions in Iraq through the highly emotional issue of Sept. 11. Either Mr. Gibbons has not heard President Bush admit that Sadaam was not connected to Sept. 11, or he doesn't want to listen.

What Sadaam did do, however, was to keep Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis under control with cruel, despotic, iron rule -- not very differently, actually, than political thugs the U.S. has supported in Latin America over the years.

As U.S. soldiers die almost daily in Iraq, it is irresponsible for our government to continue to mislead America by trumpeting their deaths as making us safe from terrorism. If the invasion of Iraq achieved anything, it was to further seed the Middle East with yet more terrorists.



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