Letter: U.S. had plenty of 9-11 warning

Mon, Apr 19, 2004 (8:49 a.m.)

According to the GovExec.com news service's daily briefing of March 24: "The U.S. intelligence community received a flood of threat warnings in the summer of 2001 that 'spectacular' terrorist attacks were likely, but conflicts about how to react arose between new Bush administration officials and officials held over from the Clinton administration ..."

Former FBI wiretap translator Sibel Edmonds, who had a top-secret security clearance, told the online journal Salon: "We should have had (an) orange or red-type of alert in June or July 2001. There was that much information available."

Regarding national security adviser Condoleezza Rice's claim that no "specific" information had been available about the use of airplanes as terrorist bombs, Edmonds declares: "That's an outrageous lie. And documents can prove it's a lie ... There was specific information about use of airplanes, that an attack was on the way two or three months beforehand and that several people were already in the country by May 2001. They should've alerted the people to the threat we were-- facing."

And now some pundits are proposing Condoleezza Rice for vice president. How preposterous.



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