Letter: Bush wrecked economic gains of Clinton years

Thu, Jan 8, 2004 (9:09 a.m.)

I have this theory that the Republicans constantly attacked President Clinton during his eight years in office, and then beat him like a pinata over his moral lapse to distract the American people from the remarkable job he was doing as president.

Look at the record: In his last four years we had budget surpluses; in his final year we were spending $1.86 trillion and the unemployment rate was 3.7.

Now look at the record of President Bush: A deficit of $374 billion last year, and this year it will be $500 billion. He's now spending $2.3 trillion and the unemployment rate, which was 6.2 at one point last year, has dropped to 5.9 and they're bragging about putting people back to work.

The much ballyhooed tax cut has just shifted our burden from paying federal taxes to the increases we're seeing locally here in Nevada. President Bush is beating us like a pinata. Why would people want to re-elect him and get more of the same?



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