County, businesses join forces to offer jobs to inner-city youth

Tue, Jan 13, 2004 (9:02 a.m.)

The Clark County Business Institute is looking for Las Vegas Valley young people to fill 100 job opportunities over the summer.

The jobs will be available to qualifying high school students going into either their junior or senior year.

This is the eighth year the county has sponsored the program, which offers teens employment in a variety of fields including law, medicine, architecture, education and communications.

The program is a partnership between Clark County and more than 70 area businesses.

The eight-week program was spearheaded by Clark County Commissioner Yvonne Atkinson Gates, who designed the program as a device to expose disadvantaged inner city youth to career fields that they may otherwise not consider.

This year's institute is set to take place June 4 through Aug. 13. The program works to match selected applicants with professionals in their field of choice.

The institute also assists the students with college preparation, teaches money management skills and promotes community service.

"The institute is a multi-faceted program that services an incredible need in the community by giving youth from all backgrounds an opportunity to gain experience through exposure to careers not traditionally pursued by minority children," Atkinson Gates said. "I am especially pleased to see the growing support this program has received from the business community and consider that a testament to what can be achieved when private and public sectors work cohesively."

A select number of jobs have already been reserved for teens living in the Enterprise Community neighborhoods, located throughout the valley. This is to ensure inner-city youth involvement in the program, said Debbie Conway, manager of Clark County Business Development.

"Business development is a priority in the county and we are committed to building relationships that benefit communities on all levels," she said. "This program allows our kids to discover new interests and make friendships that last beyond their academic years."

Those selected for the program will be required to meet certain criteria determined by the county and the Clark County School District.

Requirements include, but are not limited to, grade point average, volunteerism and financial need.

Applications can be picked up at the County Government Center, 500 Grand Central Parkway, 4th Floor, the KCEP radio station, 330 W. Washington Ave., and through local high school job banks.

The application deadline is March 5.

For more information, contact Program Coordinator Carrie Shorty at 455-4432 or 455-2426.


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