Letter: Don’t judge film without seeing it

Wed, Jul 7, 2004 (8:50 a.m.)

Americans should see Michael Moore's "Fahreneheit 9/11" for themselves, to judge how effective Mr. Moore's film is in depicting the Bush administration's grandiose statements that led to the war in Iraq.

You remember them in all the media, talking about Saddam's stockpiles of WMD, his nuclear weapons program, and his cooperation with and support of al-Qaida. Mr. Moore merely plays back those statements, which we now know were exaggerated, if not completely false, and then shows the effect the war has had on our military, and particularly on the people in his hometown of Flint, Mich.

It's a powerful indictment of the Bush administration, but you should be the judge of its veracity, and not rely on others to tell you how to think.



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