Letter: People get the government they deserve

Wed, Jul 21, 2004 (8:42 a.m.)

This is in reference to the July 18 rant by Sun columnist Jon Ralston, which opposed a cap on the coming double-digit property tax increases.

There is an important line between Jon's cynicism and a realistic understanding of the political process. Of course politicians are signing on to the 6 percent cap for self-serving reasons. The smarter ones among them understand full well that property taxes are the iceberg to their Titanic.

But isn't it just possible most of them also know the 20 percent to 50 percent increases that are coming are simply out of line and can't be justified? That skyrocketing property values are in no way, shape or form "akin" to pay raises?

The system is self-correcting, always seeking moderation and balance. Challengers aren't going to let incumbents off the hook because they support the property tax cap. The incumbent's tax track record is still going to be fair game, which is exactly the way it should be.

Have a little faith, Jon. With all its flaws, our political system is the best there is. In the end, this great observation by Harry Truman will continue to hold true: "In the long run, people get the government they deserve."



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