Letter: Increased fines may help enforce traffic laws

Tue, Mar 16, 2004 (9:39 a.m.)

How much longer are the local citizens going to tolerate the lack of enforcement of our traffic laws? I have resided in Las Vegas for five years and almost every day we hear or read where a person was killed by a speeder, a drunken driver or by someone running a red light or stop sign.

It seems to me that the amount we pay to register our vehicles would provide an ample number of police officers to curtail this activity and senseless killing of people.

Another thing that could be done to sharply curtail this recklessness is to increase the fines for running red lights to $500. If an accident occurs as the result of running the red light, make the fine $1,000. If someone is injured or killed make it a minimum of two years in jail plus fines.

If we take their money away, then maybe they cannot buy the gas to run their cars.



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