Letter: O’Callaghan was unique voice

Fri, Mar 19, 2004 (5:32 a.m.)


March 20 - 21, 2004

Many years ago I found myself disagreeing with the court-mandated school busing issue. I wrote a letter to anyone involved with the court order and sent copies to Gov. Mike O'Callaghan, Clark County School Superintendent Kenny Guinn and the media.

One day, shortly after that letter was mailed, my phone rang about 7 a.m. It was Gov. Mike, for me! You can imagine my surprise. He called, he told me, to let me know that this was not a state issue but that he commiserated with the points in my letter, and just wanted to chat about the situation.

We were on the phone for about a half hour. I still fondly remember that day, and when someone tells you that Gov. Mike was a common man for the common people, how right they are. All the accolades this great man gets, he so richly deserves.

We Nevadans have lost a great voice, an irreplaceable voice, because the mold was broken after he was born. Rest in peace, Gov. Mike!



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