Letter: Bush won’t make bipartisan effort

Fri, Nov 5, 2004 (4:35 a.m.)


November 6 - 7, 2004

You have to really admire President Bush's re-election campaign. Early on it labeled Sen. John Kerry as a flip-flopper, questioned his patriotism, and then in speech after speech Bush repeated this theme, with Dick Cheney chiming in to express doubt about Sen. Kerry's ability to fight terrorism.

They couldn't talk about their accomplishments, because frankly, they did nothing of consequence. So it was disheartening to hear President Bush at his post-election press conference saying he looked forward to working with those Democrats who agreed with his agenda.

In other words, we will see President Bush carrying on his "my way or the highway" partisan effort, refusing any attempt to reach a consensus with Democrats on his proposals. I really hope our country does well in the next four years, but I doubt it.



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