Letter: Re-election is hard to accept

Mon, Nov 8, 2004 (9:06 a.m.)

As a Kerry supporter, I've been trying to come to grips with the fact of George W. Bush winning the election.

I've decided I can learn to live with a mounting death toll in Iraq. Increasing instability worldwide with jihadists on a roll? I can take it. And is there really a case to be made for taking real steps to improving homeland security? I admit to having some lingering doubts about loose nukes in Russia and a nuclear North Korea and nearly nuclear Iran that can do whatever it wants because we're mired in Iraq, but I can come around. I've already stopped thinking about deficits, and what do those 45 million people want health care for anyway? After all, I have mine.

How can I accept all this? Because George W. Bush is a moral (or should I say honorable?) man, and that means the rest of this just doesn't matter.



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