Stratosphere opens topless pool area

Wed, Oct 20, 2004 (10:48 a.m.)

The Stratosphere hotel and casino has introduced a topless pool called Beach Club 25 on the 25th floor of its hotel tower.

The pool is located at the site of the Stratosphere's former pool, which closed when the property opened a 68,000-square-foot pool and recreation deck on the eighth floor of the hotel's newer tower in 2001.

The Stratosphere renovated the Beach Club 25 area with a shaded awning, artificial grass, beverage service, faux foliage and a wall mural. The club is open to room guests ages 21 and over, with free admission for women and $10 for men.

The property decided to open the pool area last month rather than wait for pool season next year so that it could have a better lead-time to market the area and because it is also working on a room renovation at the same time, Stratosphere spokesman Michael Gilmartin said.

"Pools have become an important amenity in Las Vegas and one of the complaints we hear is that pools have become so big that it's like a zoo -- it's hard to get great service or find a seat," he said. The club area is smaller and more intimate than the regular pool, he said.

The property hosts many European women or women who work at gentlemen's clubs around town who want to sun themselves without tan lines or feel more comfortable topless, Gilmartin said.


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